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  • Automechanika Shanghai 2022 - Shenzhen Shumatt Technology Exhibition


    Automechanika Frankfurt Exhibition is one of the most famous exhibitions in Automobile industry in the world. In 2022, it has already been held in Russia and Dubai in October and November, and in this coming December, it will be held in China. Usually, the Automechanika Exhibition in China lands in Shanghai, this December it will come to Shenzhen.There will be over 400 exhibitors from Automobile industry to take part in this exhibition, Shumatt sincerely invite friends around the world to participate Automechanika Frankfurt Exhibition in Shenzhen.
  • 320D Injectors Promotion During UN General Assembly & Before China National Day


    For this big event and the effort of each country in the world seek to find solutions for peace and sustainable ECO development for human’s home - the Earth, Shumatt Tech is holding a big promotion of 320D series injectors to customers who from United Nations Member countries.
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11-12, 14th Floor, Building 13, Qinchengda Building, Exit A, Honglang North Subway Station, Baoan District, Shenzhen,China Mainland.